
Let's bring Visual Novel Hoshizora No Memoria to the West!

Created by Sekai Project

We are bringing Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star- to English audiences!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Hoshizora no Memoria HD and Eternal Heart Update
over 3 years ago – Fri, Aug 06, 2021 at 11:56:18 AM

Hello everyone,

We apologize that it's been a while since our last update. In order to get this campaign to the finish line, we've recently brought on a new project manager who will be focused primarily on our Kickstarter campaigns.

Let's move on to updates on the games themselves:

Hoshizora no Memoria HD

Build is currently going into QA right now.

Hoshizora no Memoria Eternal Heart

Translation and editing has been completed. Programming work to begin soon.

While more detailed updates will be made on the Kickstarter page, you can also follow the project status of both games, as well as our other titles on the Sekai Project Status Page.

That's it for this update. As we get closer to wrapping up on the Hoshizora no Memoria HD update, we will have another update so stay tuned for that.

Lastly, we recently posted some news about our Kickstarter projects as well as refunds policies. Should you decide that you want a refund on your pledge, do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Hoshizora no Memoria HD Programing Update
over 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 05:58:30 AM

Hello backers.

It’s been a while since we last made an update and we’re sorry for that. In our last update we mentioned that we will be updating Hoshizora no Memoria to the HD version. Well, we’re still working on the programming side and we will also have to remake the UI to be in English. There’s still a lot to be done before it will be ready for users who own the game, but rest assured we’re committed to getting it out as soon as possible.

As for the fan disc, the translation and editing work is nearly complete! Unfortunately we most likely wont have a build ready for QA testing for the fan disc until the main game is complete, but we’re hoping that the build making process wont take too much longer after the main game programming is finished.

Thank you for your support of this project.

Hoshizora no Memoria HD & Hoshizora no Memoria Eternal Heart HD
over 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 11, 2020 at 12:56:53 AM

Hello everyone,

We wanted to share a screenshot from the HD version of Hoshimemo (Make sure you click for full size).

Click for full size

We've been working on this in secret for quite some time now. This will be a free upgrade to everyone and the physical versions will be using this HD remaster. 

Please note this is a REMASTERED HD version, the backgrounds and event cgs have been redrawn to fill in the 16:9 viewport. 

We're also aware that some would prefer the 4:3 version and we will keep those as separate downloads or branches on Steam/other platforms. However we will not offer this for physical copies. We will also be skipping the 4:3 version of Eternal Heart and go right in to working with the HD version.

We do apologize for taking such a long time to get everything done but we do think this was worth the wait.

Thank you for your time and stay safe out there!

Re-translation update #14
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:17:07 AM

Hello Backers,

This will be a short update. We're now at 60% translated on the fandisc. We've developed a technical solution to the font issue and the update will be on the retranslation Steam branch in a few minutes. There will be a new launch option and we would like more people to test it before we release it.

Re-translation update #13
about 5 years ago – Sun, Mar 01, 2020 at 12:48:02 AM

Hello Backers,

QA was finished earlier this month but there are still technical issues that need to be resolved. The biggest issue is how the game handles fonts, on some systems the fonts load in different order and cause linebreaking problems. There's currently 16 bugs that we are currently investigating and fixing.